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July Newsletter

June 20 Edgewood Ride was well attended, riders staged at 28 Mile rec site and travelled to McFarland FSR. The trails were excellent, no dust to speak off, weather was cool but the rain held off. Lunch and fueling up was at Edgewood where there is a great camping site on the Lower Arrow Lakes. We travelled back through the Cow Trail to Johnson Landing. There were many cow patties along the trail supporting the trail name. We then went through Renata haul road to the link to Deadeye FSR and back to 28 Mile.
Upcoming Events
July 1: Canada Parade
If you are able to participate the club is going to attend this event. The theme “Random Act of Kindness” has the club partnering with the Sunshine Valley Community Service. We are going to take their clients for a ride in the Parade. Decorating the quads will take place July 1 at 8:30 am at the pool parking lot. Balloons and flags will be supplied
July 23 or 24: Next ride will be to Williamson Lake – watch for a survey for the exact date that works for the most members.
NB: There is always trail maintenance and rec site maintenance to do. If you want to volunteer please let us know. With the stewardship agreements you are
insured but we need to create an active list of volunteers.
***Let your voice be heard you can help ensure that current and future generations can enjoy all the trails. Write your MLA, Minister and let them know how important access to all trails is to you.
When riding with a group there are many safety precautions to think about. Let the group know:
 If you have a health concern.
 If you are a novice rider.
-Make sure you have protective gear; dust mask, eye protection, helmet.
-Have you taken a certified safety course?
-|Do you know how far your ride will go on a tank of fuel?
-Is your ride ready; tire pressure good, oil good, a full tank of gas?
-Ride with your lights on.
-When you are stopped turn off your ride and put it in park.
Logging in the North Fork
FYI – We’re expecting logging to be starting up in the next week or so in the Gable drainage. Hauling will likely occur on the Gable, Eight-Mile and Uno FSR’s.
Logging on Deadeye should be finished shortly.
If you have a radio the channels will no longer be Radio 135.350. “The new Road Radio system begins on Monday. Most roads will have the signs changed over by then. We are moving from the old P&T road radio frequencies to the RR system. “
Jeff Holitzki, BC Timber Sales